How HomeChoice Works

Joining Reigate & Banstead Borough Council’s housing register is the primary way to secure social housing in the borough.  Although the Council manages the waiting list, the majority of accommodation is owned and managed by Housing Associations and not the Council.

If you are interested in joining the waiting list, you need to complete an application form so we can check whether you are eligible for housing in the UK and that you qualify for housing in line with our Housing Register & Allocations Policy.

Available homes to rent are advertised on this website. You can see what properties are available and ‘bid’ to tell us which ones you would be interested in moving to.

The Council then creates a shortlist of those who have bid for each property and nominates the successful applicant, who has usually been waiting the longest, to the relevant Housing Association. 

The Housing Association will then complete their own checks before making the accommodation offer. Please be aware that many housing associations now ask for rent in advance.

Please be aware that waiting times for social housing are usually long, often a number of years.

For more information about how HomeChoice works, click here to go back to the 'Help' page.